Breast Health Care is NOT One Size Fits All as Senators Feinstein/Ayotte unite for National Standard of Breast Density Reporting

Senators Dianne Feinstein, California and Kelly Ayotte, New Hampshire, join to support a National Standard of Density Reporting

Breast Health Care is not One-Size-Fits-All!

Joan Lunden knows firsthand the importance of thorough breast cancer screenings.The journalist and former Good Morning America host received a clean bill of health following a mammogram earlier this year. But knowing she has dense breast tissue, she chose to follow up with an ultrasound, recommended during an interview with Susan Love, M.D., a breast cancer specialist.

That ultrasound detected an aggressive form of breast cancer-undetected by the traditional mammogram-and today Joan is courageously fighting stage 2 breast cancer.

Health care is not one-size-fits-all. What's right for one woman isn't necessarily right for another, and approaching it as a one-size-fits-all issue undermines our effort to combat breast cancer.

Dense breast tissue is a perfect example. This type of tissue can obscure cancer on a mammogram, masking tumors and making them difficult to see.

Read the Entire Press Release Here.

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