CALIFORNIA SENATE declares August 8th as ARE YOU DENSE Day!

Senator Joseph Simitian of California authors Senate Joint Resolution 27 declaring August 8 “Are You Dense? Day” in California.

One of Simitian’s constituents, Amy Colton of Santa Cruz, a registered nurse and cancer survivor, suggested the original bill in Simitian’s annual “There Oughta Be a Law” contest. Colton was never informed of her breast density during years of routine mammograms, and only discovered that she had dense breasts after completion of her treatment for breast cancer.

Dr. Nancy Cappello, President and Founder of Are You Dense, Inc. and Are You Dense Advocacy, Inc. presented the Mission and Legislative Efforts at a "standing-room only" luncheon for legislative staff.   

Other activities included distributing educational packets; Posters (Are You Dense?  Ask Your Doctor) were streaming the Capitol Wall to advise women to find out about their breast composition and have inform conversations with their docs about their personal breast cancer screening protocol.

You will find more information about ARE YOU DENSE Day and the California Breast Density Notification Bill HERE.

Pictured below:  Dr. Nancy Cappello and Amy Colton, the inspiration behind the CA Breast Density Bill, at the Capitol on Are You Dense Day!

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