Dr. Scott Gottlieb, Commissioner of the FDA, listed Breast Tissue Composition as one of the FDA's major priorites in 2018. Are You Dense Advocacy Inc. has been advocating for a change to the Mammography Quality Standards Act (MQSA) to include a patient's breast tissue composition as part of their mammograhy reporting results.
In 2011, the MQSA committee of the FDA came to an consensus to propose regulations to the MQSA to incorporate these changes. At the time of the meeting, two states had enacted density reporting laws (Connecticut and Texas). In more than 6 years since that declaration, another 29 states have followed in protecting women from missed, delayed and advanced stage breast cancer.
Are You Dense Advocacy Inc. is hopeful that with Dr. Gottlieb's clear priority for patient breast health, the proposed rule just might happen.
This is the text of Dr. Gottlieb's comments in his blog.