HuffPost Blog by Dr. Cappello - Mammography: Just Some of the Facts Ma'am!

Dr. Cappello's Blog Post:
Mammography: Just Some of the Facts Ma'am!

From the blog: Since the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) report on breast cancer screening in 2009, articles about the benefits and harms of mammography screening have accelerated. It is remarkable that a technology that women have counted on for decades for the early detection of breast cancer and its subsequent reporting life-saving benefits receive such polar opposite messages and conclusions.

Physicians have an ethical responsibility to truthfully communicate the current scientific facts with their patients. Additionally, they need to listen to and respect patients' preferences even when it may collide with their own preferences. An informed decision about such a personal health issue as breast cancer screening and prevention can only be made after receiving all the facts!

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